Sunday, January 22, 2006

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

We all posed for a family picture at Rancho Takach otherwise known as "Little Texas Ranch" located in Valley Center.
Top Row George, Ed, Diana, Matt
Bottom Row The Contender, Scrabble Queen, Lil' Sis and Wendy

Matt and Diana went down to the feeding of the herd and Willie was glad to see them until he realized they didn't have any food.

Willie is a Watusi Bull. Particularly remarkable are these Watusi cattle found in Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. In Uganda, the Nkole tribe's Sanga variety is known as the Ankole. In Rwanda and Burundi, the Tutsi tribe's Sanga variety is called the Watusi.

Any Texan worth their salt who listens to Willie (Nelson not Willie Watusi) knows about Lukenbach.

These days Luckenbach Texas is, to paraphrase John Steinbeck, a state of mind – A Texas state of mind, where you can kick back, relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life—like a step back in time.

This tiny hill country hamlet where “Everybody’s Somebody” was established as a Trading Post in 1849 making it one of the oldest settlements in Gillespie County.

Like any ranch the chores are divided between the ranch hands. Every day on a ranch the animals are fed and given the attention all of us domesticated animals need. George and Jill are good caretakers of Willie, Teddy, Wendy and the boarders who drop in from time to time and good caretakers of their spread.

Teddy hides behind the fence as George helps with the feeding and does a little stall mucking.

The Ranch House sits about halfway up this boulder covered hill. Notice the boulder just above and a little to the left of the flag, it will be prominant later.

Jill, Matt and Diana gave Teddy a little attention and oats in his stall.

Jill's smile is infectious as is her sense of humor. Notice the sign on Teddy's stall.

Ok so I like the John Ford "Stagecoach" shot through the door image and try to emulate it every chance I get.

George built these stairs from the house to the barn. They make for a nice picture.

Horses behind bars? I wonder what Teddy's offense was to get locked up.

Remember the boulder above the flag. Well Matt and Diana climbed to the top of that boulder for some exercise and took this picture. I'm a white dot on the back porch.....

Taking a picture of them.

At the top of the boulder they took pictures of each other. A beautiful couple of humans we love to bits.

No Scrabble

Quote of the Day
"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos." ~ Jim Hightower

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©Paul Viel