While we were leaving we passed a guy sweeping leaves and junk from the road and he had a really, really big broom

I love taking pictures through the tinted windows of the car. This one is a cell tower on Interstate 805.

This is some concrete towers on a hill near Scripps Ranch.

You would thin Cristos was doing landscape mega art in Rancho Bernardo with this hill....

.... and this hill.

They are always working on the freeways in California so they build concrete plants in the median of the freeway to supply the road crews.

This crane is supplying rebar for the new roadway.

Here's a closer look at the dangling steel.

This guy is loading guardrails for another part of the road.

After lunch with Ed and a trip to the driving range (We only watched) I took Ed back home and met back up with Scrabble Queen for the drive back to the KOA. On the road we were passed by this truck (nothing unusual everyone passes us up in California) it was really cool and I was sorry I only got a shot at the tailgate.

Scrabble Score - Scrabble Queen 369 the contender 369 a TIE!!! Too Cool
Quote of the Day ~
I've lived in good climate, and it bores the hell out of me. I like weather rather than climate." ~ John Steinbeck
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