The buzzards were circling but nothing was dead at Rancho Takach.

It was Jill's birthday and a party was starting.

Jill's ex-business partner Toni and her husband Noel arrived in blue and a smile.

As George started the burgers and dogs smoking.

Steven also arrived with Jason in a longhorns tee and saying Texas as clear as Montana morning in May.

Samantha, Christian ran to Grand mommy and Willie to give hugs and smiles.

Samantha was also interested in petting Willie through the fence.

Meanwhile David brought Jason over making sure Jason didn't climb the fence - what a great big brother.

Steven and Martha gifted us with a beautiful tea service we just love.

Jill was welcoming all the company with her great and generous smile and laughter. Pictured here from left to right are: Steven, Jason, Jill, Martha, Noel and Toni Ann.

I mentioned in a previous blog entry how much I like Jill's Southwestern decor, and here is a bit more including a cowhide covered canteen...

... followed by a cow skull (ala Georgia O'Keffee) and a great woven Navajo blanket...

... and for cold nights on the range a wood-burning stove, branding irons and a colorful flower arrangement.

While Samantha was rocking Steven and Martha stopped for a picture...

... then Steven got a picture of Jason.

Of course I'm always walking around snapping away and found this barrel cactus and Chillicothe, Missouri milk jug.

George finally got a break from cooking and sat to eat with Jill, Jesse, Janelle and Colton...

... while Penelope and Samantha had a conversation with Teddy.

I really should ask Jill why we are blessing Texas on one flag and flying the other upside-down. I really wonder why I had not noticed this before reviewing the pictures tonight when the flags are directly in front of the Musemobile.

Next to the RV in Jill's lower forty is a spactacular bush with bright yellow flowers.

Jason managed to climb up on the dashboard of the Musemobile and proceed to detail the area with Sharyn's wisk-broom. What a doll.

We all had a wonderful time at the party and mingled for quite a while talking about everything from solar panels to mules. and there is Bruce on the far right.

We noticed Willies horns are a great asset on hot and dusty days for scratching his own back.

Finally it was the end of party time as Jesse and Janelle gathered up the two wonderful children and two very cool canines and headed down the hill with Toni Ann and Noel just ahead and Steven and Martha not far behind. Oh heck and there is Bruce on the far right again. It was Bruce who is the expert on Solar Power and it was Bruce who already solar powers his own home.

Jill then gave Steven, Martha and their children and Bruce a tour of her barn - Jill is truly the hostess with the mostess and George the best cook in the book.
No Scrabble tonight ~ I'm not sure I remember the rules *sigh*
Quote of the Day ~
"All new states are invested, more or less, by a class of noisy, second-rate men who are always in favor of rash and extreme measures, but Texas was absolutely overrun by such men." ~ Sam Houston (American General, Lawyer and Politician, 1st president of Texas, (1836-38, 1841-44), 1793-1863)