I have to thank Winnebago for the fine workmanship and layout of this Sightseer. It gave us warmth coolness when we needed it, cooked some great meals, wonderful nights of scrabble, Satellite TV, and more. It really is a little house on wheels.

The front porch and the Dowdy field next door were great to see again.

Even Isaac's newest car looked great if not familiar, I'm having trouble keeping track of his autos.

The windshield of the Musemobile is a great place to display bug parts but also a great mirror of the sunset.

Our neighbor Gail's Maple tree had a trimming on the west side. Our other neighbors across the street were concerned about the limbs overhanging their home and the leaf droppings in the fall so they hired an arborist to trim the tree with Gail's approval. It looks weird for now but I'm sure new growth next year will help.

Sharyn's front garden still looked nice with some color still showing.

And then there is the Dowdy barn, it's my favorite view in the area and I must have 300 pictures of it in every season. The sheep were busy eating grass and were self absorbed to say hi.

And then there is the great cottonwood tree that catches the last of the suns rays in it's upper branches.

Here is my last sunset of the trip, clear sky blues and reds framing the street light at Sunday Drive.

Scrabble Score - Scrabble Queen 320 the Contender 329. "All's well that ends well"
Quote of the Day
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)