Kevin was up bright and early with my sunglasses and Scrabble Queen's hat ready to tackle the "Park of Chocolate"
After a cool (air conditioned bus ride from Hershey Highmeadow Campground (Fantastic RV Park we highly recommend) Kevin took to the air in a hot air balloon ride.
Later still flying high he tried a helicopter.
We then settled for a train ride in the old west (Pennsylvania style) with an old west house that looked like it belonged in New Orleans.
But by far his favorite was driving cars. He drove (in this one ride) a Motorcycle, Sports Car, Ambulance and Police car.
I caught this picture of a ride called the Falcon. I loved the falcon on top but thought it was a dragon fly at first, Scrabble Queen thought it was a Bald Eagle. After we say the picture on the PC we decided it was a Falcon
The monorail ride goes through the town of Hershey and the lamp posts are cute Hershey Kisses complete with Hershey pull tabs
The twin smokestackes fooled me at first into wondering where the "His" stack was until I realized "hey" half of "Hers"hey was covered. Besides I think they should have looked like tootsie rolls except Tootsie Rolls have their own company and make competing candy like Dots, Sugar Daddies, Junior Mints and more.
The roaming band stopped for a picture. Well it must be a thing with bands to have an off beat uniform after the suspenders and pajama gang at the basket place we had Hawaiian Shirts and sandals at Hershey Park - go figure.
Want to guess if we tried this ride ...........
Jessi the Hershey Park photographer was caught in my crosshairs but was a good sport with a nice smile - Thank you Jessi
I couldn't resist this picture after spending my day at this almost Disneyland - straight arrow - wholesome - kiddie and grandparent park finding a surprise poster for Judas Priest (great heavy metal pioneers - for those who like metal) and Queensryche
But then again it's a place to have a good time and they mean everyone - I love diversity.
Sad note - the heat and after the Pirate Ride
we all looked a little green. I, in particular, had a very sickly retreat to the RV and an awful night (don't ask)
We managed to return to visit the Hershey's Chocolate World - That Adventure will be tomorrow
No Scrabble - is Scrabble Queen afraid of the contender? Doubt it we were both too sick
Quote of the day
I consider being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill. - Samuel Butler
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