Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life in Black and White (Reteospective)

Is life as beautiful in black and white?

Black and white images are very rare...

Almost all are shades of grey...

... some are deceptive and unreal.

Some are the new mimicking the old...

... others show the isolation of life with no intellectual curiosity.

How many things are perfectly up or down...

... or straight lines from here to there?

Serenity needs no color ...

... just the simplicity of every day visions.

Astounding storms gather in a black sky ...

... leaving liquid and transparent life on a flower.

Close up or ...

...from a distance nothing is as it seems.

Whether a monument ...

... a garden dweller...

... or a barn on a ranch once occupied by Buffalo Bill ...

... there will be curves in my life and yours.

Arches within arches...

... and stars upon stars is life ever black and white.

What I learned as a child always had a grain of truth and a softening of stark reality...

... but there are no umbrellas to shield me from ...

... wars and conflicts of those who see only a black and white world of good and evil and no human indecision, questioning or reasoning.

The smallest of creatures see life as a gathering of pollen and avoidance of pain ...

... and even the flowers of spring close and open to a new day.

At times, all I see is the beauty of a form in a greyscale world.

Quote of the Day ~
"Shades of grey wherever I go, the more I find out the less that I know. Black and white is how it should be but shades of grey are the colors I see."~ Billy Joel Pianist, Singer and Song Writer


Michelle said...

". . .the colors leave no spaces in-between to see . . .black and white is the only way there is grey"- sean staples&the resophonics "forever sweet marie", cambridge singer-songwriter extraorindarie

Michelle said...

oops i meant "don't go away" . . .but, still the sentiment is the same and the band is definitely worth checking out!


©Paul Viel