Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Home Garden as of Cinco De Mayo

From time to time I go out in the garden and experiment with my camera and chronicle the progress of our flowers in spring.

* Note Some of these pictures can be seen at a larger size if you click on them then use the BACK button to return to the blog.

Some of our new flowers this year are in pots like this pretty and tiny purple flower.

Some are vines like the white Clematis. Taken in low light conditions.

I kind of like these in a dim light because some details that can be washed out in bright light can be seen more easily.

This is our yellow magnolia in bloom and it's a little like a tree full of goldfinches.

The Carmelia was not healthy this year dropping buds but a few of the blooms were perfect...

Add Image... and others are still opening.

In the back yard this new plant (planted a few months ago) is starting to bloom out.

Our two big Rhododendrons are blooming wonderfully this is the one with a pinkish tint.

The Asiatic Pear is doing very well after a frostbitten and almost non-existent yield (2) last year. This year just one small cluster has 12 pears and all are doing nicely.

The Redbud we almost lost last year is making a good comeback after I had to hack of several limbs last year.

I hope it comes back well during the summer.

The Lilacs are looking great after losing all the blooms to frost last year.

The Large White Rhododendron is looking simply fantastic.

Even the Azalea that was sick last year is doing great.

One bud so far but beautiful.

Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 312 ~ The Contender 313 (whew)

Quote of the Day~
“A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world.” ~ Leo F. Buscaglia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! They are pretty flowers.


©Paul Viel