Shore Acres State Park

A few years ago we saw the Daliah Festival we missed it ever since for one reason or another and it was last week but there were many Daliah's there today.

Of course there were other flowers there and I am not sure what this one was but it was tiny and beautiful.

... I had no way to identify them until I received an anonymous comment - thank you anonymous there were no markers for this plant.

What a lovely sight and I'm sure the reflections were not limited to the light but to something we have within out souls.

I'd love to be a master gardener and have a few acres to grow trees, flowers and veggies because I would and open the gardens to anyone like me to enjoy, there just are not enough places like this and none I can expand and create a place to learn, paint, photograph and compose music or write a great poem or novel.

I think we all need to take in and experience life - understand the experiences and give it back with a new light of insight.

The floral world is a gift and it's not good enough to stop and smell the flowers we need to dance with them and dream.

Sometimes the sun comes shining through the petals in translucent splendor.

Then there are roses that do have thorns we can live with because perfection in never perfect but then neither is life...
Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 333 - The Contender 322
Quote of the Day ~
"Marriage is the best of all evils." ~ Daliah Lavi (Israeli actress, singer and model)
what beautiful flowers, even my red roses. ~~PF~~
Nice, nice photos! Good to meet you today, Paul.
J. Lukowski
Pictures No 17 an 18. This is Antirrhinum.
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