Another beautiful bicycle day in Oregon mid-70's and clear as a bell.

All along the bike trail (If you take it from Alton Baker Park to the end they have laid out Planetary symbols at the same relative distance from the sun. The only two we passed were Jupiter and ........

Saturn. It's a great idea for learning the solar system if you ride this bike trail often.

One of the places on the bike trail I wanted to see was Owen Rose Garden and the old Cherry tree. I heard about this not long after we moved to Eugene but never thought about being there for the cherry blossoms. The Plein Air group sent a not about being there so we made it a point to go today. The group goes Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to a new place each week. Not everyone shows up each time or on the same day. Today I met Jean. There were only two artists there that I noticed...

...was on the other side of the park and I never got over there but took this picture from a distance.

The Cherry tree is huge and beautiful with the moss growing on the trunk and limbs spread way out.

The tree is a 130 year Black Tartarian Cherry Tree and a great centerpiece for the Owen Rose Garden.

The limbs seem to go on forever and the white blossoms are like white clouds in the blue sky.

To help preserve the limbs that stretch out parallel to the ground stands are used to prop them up.

It is quite a sight through the heart shaped espalier of climbing roses.

Jean was painting a wonderful piece. It was the cherry tree through the espalier. She did ask if I thought it would be better without the espalier and I told her I couldn't say but either way seemed reasonable. I should have told her I was a Libra and therefore unable to decide anything definitively.

We said goodbye to Jean and headed east back toward the EWEB building and saw a band of bikers and they were NOT the Hell's Angels or the Renegades but a bunch of kids out for a nice day at the park.

We did stop a moment at the Lane County War Memorial. I'll do another blog on that tomorrow it deserves a blog of it's own. That IS my bike in the picture and the basket carries my camera, some water and Sharyn's purse. It's an easy ride with 15 gears which are much needed on hills.

After the bike ride we headed to our first Saturday market of the year and were greeted with flowers.

Then we were serenaded by street performers.

This is the pork-mobile a mobile pork market that's always at the Market and their food is great. Eugene is a great place to be an individual as this customer demonstrates.

I liked the horizontal stripped socks like these pink and black ones worn with black Keds type tennis shoes.

An open guitar case can mean only one thing but it's nice to see and hear them all over the market separated but some distance as not to create a pandemonium of noise.

More "individuals" these look like wild seniors to me.

They were giving out free Ice Cream at "Free Speech Park" and there were more stripped socks. I wonder if it's individualistic to dress alike whether it's a suit or stripped socks.

A new booth at the market was this Latin-American cooked food place anything for $10 a pound. The man cooking was stirring the carnitas that were cooking.

and finally this is the same gentle man flipping a tortilla.
Scrabble Score The Challenger defeats the mighty Scrabble Queen by 15 coming from behind on the last 3 plays.
Quote of the Day

All along the bike trail (If you take it from Alton Baker Park to the end they have laid out Planetary symbols at the same relative distance from the sun. The only two we passed were Jupiter and ........

Saturn. It's a great idea for learning the solar system if you ride this bike trail often.

One of the places on the bike trail I wanted to see was Owen Rose Garden and the old Cherry tree. I heard about this not long after we moved to Eugene but never thought about being there for the cherry blossoms. The Plein Air group sent a not about being there so we made it a point to go today. The group goes Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to a new place each week. Not everyone shows up each time or on the same day. Today I met Jean. There were only two artists there that I noticed...

...was on the other side of the park and I never got over there but took this picture from a distance.

The Cherry tree is huge and beautiful with the moss growing on the trunk and limbs spread way out.

The tree is a 130 year Black Tartarian Cherry Tree and a great centerpiece for the Owen Rose Garden.

The limbs seem to go on forever and the white blossoms are like white clouds in the blue sky.

To help preserve the limbs that stretch out parallel to the ground stands are used to prop them up.

It is quite a sight through the heart shaped espalier of climbing roses.

Jean was painting a wonderful piece. It was the cherry tree through the espalier. She did ask if I thought it would be better without the espalier and I told her I couldn't say but either way seemed reasonable. I should have told her I was a Libra and therefore unable to decide anything definitively.

We said goodbye to Jean and headed east back toward the EWEB building and saw a band of bikers and they were NOT the Hell's Angels or the Renegades but a bunch of kids out for a nice day at the park.

We did stop a moment at the Lane County War Memorial. I'll do another blog on that tomorrow it deserves a blog of it's own. That IS my bike in the picture and the basket carries my camera, some water and Sharyn's purse. It's an easy ride with 15 gears which are much needed on hills.

After the bike ride we headed to our first Saturday market of the year and were greeted with flowers.

Then we were serenaded by street performers.

This is the pork-mobile a mobile pork market that's always at the Market and their food is great. Eugene is a great place to be an individual as this customer demonstrates.

I liked the horizontal stripped socks like these pink and black ones worn with black Keds type tennis shoes.

An open guitar case can mean only one thing but it's nice to see and hear them all over the market separated but some distance as not to create a pandemonium of noise.

More "individuals" these look like wild seniors to me.

They were giving out free Ice Cream at "Free Speech Park" and there were more stripped socks. I wonder if it's individualistic to dress alike whether it's a suit or stripped socks.

A new booth at the market was this Latin-American cooked food place anything for $10 a pound. The man cooking was stirring the carnitas that were cooking.

and finally this is the same gentle man flipping a tortilla.
Scrabble Score The Challenger defeats the mighty Scrabble Queen by 15 coming from behind on the last 3 plays.
Quote of the Day
"A nice war is a war where everybody who is heroic is a hero, and everybody more or less is a hero in a nice war. Now this war is not at all a nice war."- Gertrude Stein in 1943 referring to World War IIStein had a gregarious nature that attracted many to her, and to her salon in Paris. Her personality also allowed her to transform her social outlets, by focusing on new friendships with the members of the youthful generation of the time. For example, Stein was friends with "up and coming" artists Matisse and Picasso in the early 1900s, writers Thornton Wilder and Ernest Hemingway in the 20s, and with the American GI's in the 40s.
Each period marked Stein's connections with young, and in many cases, brilliantly talented and artistic, people at the center of contemporary developments and events.
i want to go to the saturday market!
Bring your striped socks and come on down.
er does look individual, individually daft!
Corvallis's farmer's market has a lot of individualism too but then it's in the same kind of region
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