We went to the parade and found a great parking place near the pedestrian covered bridge and

... behind the police station. The only problem was the parade was on the other end of main street 5 blocks to the east.

We got there in time and parked next to the Boots & Sandals Square Dance Barn.

There was a big crowd and a carnival going on just north of us.

Then after only about 5 minutes the parade started.

After the color guard came a distinguished couple in an old 1921 Ford.

T%hey were followed by the float for the Bohemia Bathhouse, Assay Office & General Store and Saloon on wheels.

Then there was the Bohemia Mine owners association complete with squirrel rifle and little brown jug.

I'm not even sure what this horseless carriage was but it was cool.

This float even had Square Dancers since the were sponsored by the Square Dance Barn.

Then there were the colorful Red Hat Women

Even Figaro's Pizza was represented...

... and a less commercial woman, in bloomers, on a bike.

Of course no parade comes without the Cottage Grove High School Cheerleaders and the Lion Mascot.

Well we had to have the 1937 John Deere BO Orchard Tractor & Professional Driver.

The Chamber of Commerce was showing a replica of the pedestrian covered bridge again complete with bloomers.

The Dixie-Ray Railroad from Lebanon, Oregon was there and so was Zack in his Club Car.

"Magenta" was a Metropolitan with a wind up key in the back. "Between 1954 and 1962, a small car called the Nash Metropolitan was sold to over 100,000 buyers in North America and Britain. Thousands of these strikingly cute automobiles are still on the road today. "

These are our leaders? Yikes! It's the "One More Time Marching Band"...

... and their drummer...

Smart kid here. He was with the float for ACE, "The Academy for Character Education."

Caught in the outhouse with the door open - oh my!

Noah showed up to see what was left after the winter floods.

Well there was this thirsty cowgirl...

... and the droppings patrol.

John Deere wasn't the only tractor in town Massey-Ferguson was represented as well with a "woman driver."

I don't think this was one of the Little League Players from South Lane County but she was carrying the banner.

There were some real race cars also this one was towed by a Quad Runner.

Finally the Middlefield bus arrived and we were expecting Superputter to be aboard but her got off before the parade started and went home to relax.

Hey Mattme Ron Paul made the parade as the only Presidential contender in the race.

I'm not sure what the engine did but it was running as it was pulled down the street making all kinds of weird sounds.

After the parade we dropped by the Air Museum to look at the classic aircraft on display/

This was a plane similar to the one Superputter learned to fly in WWII.

The planes we colorful and very interesting at the Oregon Aviation History Center.

This was a cool 1930 Anzani Longster rated at 30 Horsepower

This might be a Great Lakes 2T-1R. I won't swear by that though.

Just beautiful.

A vintage Army L3-C aircraft
Well that was our day other than filling the Musemobile with $2.75999999999 regular gasoline. We heard prices may be back on the rise.
Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 302 (vowing to quit the game) - the contender 312
Quote of the Day ~
"I'm a girl from a good family who was very well brought up. One day I turned my back on it all and became a bohemian. ~ Brigitte Bardot, (born September 28, 1934) is a French actress, former fashion model, singer, known nationalist, animal rights activist, and considered the embodiment of the 1950s and 1960s sex kitten.
1 comment:
We were just in Cottage Grove the weekend of August 23 and saw the Anzani Longster. I had seen pictures of Les Long's original, as well as the drawings in the old 1930s "Flying and Glider Manuals", so it was a thrill to see the Longster in person, even if it is a replica. The Anzani is original and there aren't many of them around anymore.
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