Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama HQ

We may be smart or dumb but we picked the person we would like to see in the White House. We decided on Barack Obama after a long look at the debates.

I especially liked the response he gave to the question about his greatest weakness. He said that he has trouble keeping track of paperwork and needed help to keep track of everything. That response was so human and honest and was the first that helped me make up my mind. Well at Obama HQ in Eugene, Oregon his position papers were neat and lined up for visitors like myself to see.

They were all keyed up at HQ where Sharyn and I went to make some volunteer calls. Most of the volunteers were out canvassing the neighborhoods and there were less people there than the day after the election sixteen days and a victory later.

It was a typical election headquarters with posters and signs all over.

This was my favorite poster a volunteer had created for the campaign.

They even has an R2D2 Robot.

And more signs for volunteers.

I liked this bumper sticker that was a clever take-off on the "Got Milk?" campaign.
Got Milk? is an American advertising campaign encouraging the purchase of cow's milk, which was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board in 1993 and later licensed for use by milk processors and dairy farmers. It has been running since October 1993. The campaign is credited with putting life back into milk sales nationwide after a 20-year slump.

There was a meeting of the staff going on in the back room and I didn't want to be too intrusive with the camera but you can see a part of "The Big Map" they were standing around.

They had nourishment on a table and a toaster oven and fridge but everyone seemed very busy except me walking around and taking pictures while Sharyn made some calls to people who expressed interest in the Obama Campaign.

Hope is definitely the theme of the campaign and "Yes, we can" is the motto...

... and change is the mission.

As always appeals to volunteers are all around.

We later saw Barack Obama (from a distance over a crowd) speak at the University of Oregon. He was impressive and had a great message of bringing people together.

PS Isaac my youngest son was accepted at University of Oregon and actually made it on stage (in his news photographer role and got some wonderful pictures at the speech/rally.

Scrabble Score - Scrabble Queer 346 - the contender 303 (geeze)

Quote of the Day -
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. " ~ Barack Obama

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©Paul Viel