Monday, September 03, 2007

Le Petit Sox - preview (Photos by Isaac)

All photos are taken by - processed for the web and otherwise the property of Isaac Viel - He holds the ©opyright

I am too tired to blog tonight so I got these images from Isaac which were taken yesterday (Saturday) on a trip up the Oregon Coast a bit taken by Isaac, Megan and our guest Michelle otherwise known as Le Petit Sox. This image was taken on the Siuslaw River at Florence where it spills into the Pacific.

It's so nice to see Michelle and her infectious smile (not a life threatening infection but definitely a life enhancing smile)

At an overlook near Heceta Lighthouse and the Seal Caves. In a later blog we will see the pictures Michelle took on this and another drive.

Playing in the world famous Oregon Dunes.

Finally watching a sunset over the ocean rather than a sunrise. Michelle is a very special person who is learning how to succeed in her chosen field, Medicine and Science in a wonderful University and even more she has been taught goodness from two great parents we very much miss seeing more often. (See the quote below)

Scrabble Score - Scrabble Queen 345 - The Contender 312

Quote of the Day ~
"One goes through school, college, medical school and one's internship learning little or nothing about goodness but a good deal about success." ~ Ashley Montagu (June 28, 1905, London, England - November 26, 1999, Princeton, New Jersey), was a British anthropologist and humanist who popularized issues such as race and gender and their relation to politics and development.

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©Paul Viel