On the way to Brawley we stopped at the Julian Pie Company a local fixture for great pies...
... where I got a great picture of the sisters walking back from a store...
... but they insisted on a "posed" picture - I like the "natural" on better *lol*
Then it was the desert and the hills and valleys...
... that wind around the Borrego State Park...
...and I even got a picture out the back window that came out great without even looking.
There was a lot of rock and I liked the one here that looks like a old prairie schooner...
... and the great desert mountain vistas.
Finally we arrived in Brawley and Jesse and Janelle's home...
... with a great play hut and tunnel setup...
... complete with children,specifically Colton...
...and Penelope hiding inside.
Colton liked my camera and promptly took this picture of me ...
... and Sharyn.
Jesse then took me on a tour of the house and some very nice decorative items like this boot...
... and Jasnelle's hand tooled saddle
Jesse the showed me the "Umbrella tree" he created by opening up the lower branches and Penelope displayed her talent for climbing trees - even in cowgirl boots...
I also got to meet the "Free-Range" chickens ...
...and as Penelope collected eggs Jesse tool me about the coop he had made and how the chickens roam during the day and come back to roost all on their own...
... and how Janelle could call them ...
... and they would come running...
... Sharyn like the colors especially on this light colored "mutt" hen.
Next Jill gave the kids a ride ...
...while Janelle showed me her ride, what a great vehicle.
I liked the view of the irrigation canal next to their property in the rich agricultural community.
Brawley isn't just the city it's also the name of their dog rescued by Jesse in a gas station parking lot weak and ragged but now in excellent health.
Penelope then did a trick by holding one of the play tunnels....
...then letting go...
...and became hidden inside. After that we had a great lunch of Buffalo burgers then had a very nice visit.
On the way back we passed the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area. Over 80,000 acres of desert are open for off-road exploration operated by California State Parks.
And the Off-Roaders were out in force. It looked like Quartzite in Arizona but with Quads Sand Bikes and Rails. It was a city with no mayor.
Quote of the Day
"I have a farm and I love it there. There's really nothing to do, but even watching the chickens, its fun." ~ Salma Hayek