Sunday, September 20, 2009

Veggie Days

I was talking to a lady that teaches a cooking class and wanted some color on the walls of her great classroom a huge master kitchen. I told her I wasn't sure I had any cooking images or anything related. I then realized I've been going to the Saturday Market in Eugene for years and yet I really never focused on the veggies as a primary focal point. So I went back last Saturday in the rain to see what was in the market and colorful. This is the result.

There were lots of peppers...

... in lots of colors.

Green seemed to be the most common.

Then there were the red apples...

... and lots of beets...

... and tomatoes.

The peppers were hot...

... and some were sweet...

... and all were beautiful organic and local.

Scrabble Score ~
Scrabble Queen gave up toward the end of the game holding the "Q" and the "Z" because she was far behind on a board that wasn't easy and a lack of vowels.

Quote of the Day ~
"Only vegetables are happy" ~ William Faulkner (American short-story Writer and Novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949, 1897-1962)


Anonymous said...

Those photos are making me very hungry.

MailLadyMartha said...

Great photos, once again!

Michelle said...

fantastic! i love them!


©Paul Viel