This morning at 6:00AM I got over to the field where the hot air balloons were scheduled to take off around 6:30.

When I got to the field the small trailers were starting to pull up ...

not to fly but ...

... to open the inlet ring so when the burner starts to pump in the hot air it doesn't burn the balloon.

Once the burner is started the balloon starts to rise into the air while the basket is held down and eventually rights itself.

More and more balloons began filling as the spectators walked around amazed to be this close to the giants.

They are huge balloons and hold enough cubic feet of space to challenge most homes for size and beat most.

I cannot tell you the excitement in the crowd and for me a special event I've always wanted to see after visits to Albuquerque and seeing posters of the Hot Air show there.

I loved seeing the flames ignite but it was hard to know when to shoot a picture to see them full force.

Walking back I shot this of a plane that was giving free rides during the event that also included an antique car show and exhibit of old airplanes.
I thought that would be all for Albany and the Hot Air Balloon Festival but then...
... at about 10:00PM we had fireworks. I wasn't prepared with a tripod but I managed to get a few pictures of the twenty minute display.
They were loud and not as big a show as 4th of July but it was a perfect end of a very nice weekend trip.

Sharyn finally suggested I come in and take pictures from the bedroom window and it gave me a steady ledge to hold the camera and a much cleared shot.
It makes me think about the hardships our country has overcome by working together to make everyone's life a bit better, happier and give us the sense of looking up to the color that fills our sky in the Balloons, Airplanes that were giving free rides and the fireworks. Now if we can get a good health care reform bill we can begin anew on employment and education. I think the comeback has started.
Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 334 - The Contender 304
Quote of the Day ~
"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome." ~ Samuel Johnson quotes (English Poet, Critic and Writer. 1709-1784)