Along the beautiful Siuslaw River that brings back memories of the lumber boom in Oregon and great logs floating down the river to be loaded on freighters or milled.

We ate lunch at Mo's - the landmark eatery in several of the Oregon seaside towns. It was low tide giving us a great look at the barnacles affixed to the pilings of the pier.

Looking back up river from Mo's

Ed, Sharyn, Jill and George walking the plank to Mo's

After lunch Ed and Sharyn stop for a picture.

Then I turn west for a good shot of the bridge over the Siuslaw just before it reaches the ocean.

A new building in Florence appears to be the opening of a new hotel but I wasn't curious enough to verify that.

I got this seagull guarding the shore and looking for lunch.

Ed and Sharyn talking and taking a walk.

There was even a California poppy on the shore growing wild.

Ed had his camera with him talking pictures.

Flags over the doorways of the shops of "Old Town" Florence.

Some azaleas in Florence

A huge cedar with moss covered "arms" at the Darlingtonia wayside botanical garden.

This "Skunk Cabbage" bloom is beautiful but I'd suggest not smelling it.

Cobra Lily/Cobra Orchid/Pitcher Plant are all names of the Darlingtonia Californica
The Cobra Lily, Darlingtonia californica, is native to southwestern Oregon and northern California. This carnivorous plant lures it's insect prey with a sweet nectar which is inside the leaf opening under it's hood.
Once inside, the insect becomes confused by the many transparent areas of the upper leaf surfaces, which appear to be exits. As the insect checks these false exits searching for an escape route, it is led down the tube structure and is unable to return to the top of the plant because of the slippery smooth surface of the inner tube and the sharp, downward pointing hairs which effectively block any chance of escape. Eventually, the insects will fall into a pool of liquid digestive enzyme in the base of the leaf where they are absorbed as food for the plant.

I threatened to put this picture of the Salmon colored house across from the wayside on her computer desktop.... Just kidding

Farther north on a cliff over looking the ocean is the Seal Caves lookout with a world class view both north and this view south toward the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

And this view south to the Heceta Head Light House

A little earlier at the seal caves George worked hard to get the perfect picture of Jill and Sharyn.

George, who loves the water, walking to check out where the creek enters the ocean at Heceta Beach.

It finally decided to rain as we stopped for a picture at the Heceta overlook.

Coming back along the Siuslaw toward Mapleton I stopped for this picture of a small building on the other side of the river.

We stopped a little out of Florence on the way back to look at some old small tugs at a salvage yard between Mapleton and Florence on the Siuslaw. I think Jill wanted to take this tug home for some yard art.

Jill stood on this old buoy for a better look.

George walking back to the car to leave.

As we were leaving the salvage yard Jill looked back from the middle of the road to look back down the Siuslaw.