The deer across the river were out for a sip of Umpqua water (an Oregon insider joke)

I walked down the embankment for a closer look and saw some Brass growing underwater.

I did like the morning sun shining on these submerged bushes with the blue background.

I even found an old washed up boot.

Considering how high the water was in the river it is very clear with little or no sediment.

I did get a shot with three deer wandering about on the distant shore before Sharyn called me wanting to walk into town for some chow.

On the way we passed a patch of healthy looking bamboo...

... next to a lovely red tulip...

... and a purple tulip - How cool is that.

Then looking up I noticed an entire tulip garden.

As we walked down Elkton's main drag we saw our destination Tomaselli's Pastry Mill & Cafe.

The decor was Italian chic and very nice.

There were some wine bottles on the shelf above my head next to our table.

While I was drinking my coffee Sharyn was hiding behind the newspaper (Eugene Register Guard) and a couple were chatting away at a corner table.

I'm not sure if this was Dayna Tomaselli one of the owners along with husband Marty Tomaselli but you can see the pride in this sweet little Cafe in her eyes. The blurb from their really nice web site says :
"Be sure to come on by and check out our family Bakery and Cafe located in the great little community of Elkton. You can do wine tasting at our local wineries, look at the beautiful scenery, catch a fish or two, rent a room to stay overnight and then join us for a bite to eat. We look forward to meeting you."

We left the cafe well fed and walked toward the bridge just east of town passing another garden, this time with many colors of Azaleas.

The new bridge into Elkton has four of these tree trunk sculptures this one has an Osprey...

... and this one has an Elk. I'm not positive but I think one of the other two has a Salmon and I finally fount out the fourth is a butterfly. They also are adorned with grape vines for the local vineyards.

Looking south from the middle of the bridge you can see Elk Creek meandering toward the Umpqua River convergence.

We then walked south spotting this old barn/ Welding repair shop...

... then turning west we found the Elkton Feed Store with it's own...

... Buddha.

Farther along we found a building that hold meetings of both the Odd Fellows and Masons.

As we approached the Elkton RV Park I got a picture from above. That's the Musemobile closest to the river beyond cab the big dark super land yacht.

Back at the campsite I walked to the Eastern end of the campground for a picture of the Umpqua River.

I also got a shot of these fishermen returning to the boat dock just West of the campground.

Since Michelle liked the sunset picture from yesterday I got one more tonight - enjoy
Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 302 ~ The Avenging Contender 354
Quote of the Day
"It is better to travel well than to arrive." Buddha