No this is definitely not a trout or salmon it really is a turkey at the Fish Hatchery at Oakridge, Oregon.

The ruffled grouse, however, sat peacefully posing for her picture.

The silver pheasant is a beautiful bird but hard to photograph because in both trips here he's hidden near the back of his cage.

There is also a hiking trail at the hatchery so I walked it to get some photographs. This shot reminded Scrabble Queen of "Green Mansions. " The movie was a romantic drama set in a Venezuelan jungle and based on a novel by W.H. Hudson about Rima (Audrey Hepburn), a mythical "bird-woman" and her love for Abel (Anthony Perkins), a man running from political assassination.

They say if you stand still too long in Oregon moss will grow on you, this fallen tree trunk is an example.

Joe enjoyed the short hike on the Hatchery trail.

Joline is a good observer taking in the variety of plants in this natural setting.

Still she also took some pictures as Joe followed along the trail.

And yes, they do have fish at the fish hatchery. In the fish hatchery proper, we strolled along pools wriggling steelhead fingerlings and with spring there will be Chinook salmon.

On the way home we stopped at Dexter Lake to see a covered bridge. I took some pictures of the Dexter Dam while the others toured the bridge. Dexter Lake is a popular recreation area offering year-round fishing, seasonal water skiing, sailing, swimming, picnicking and hunting. The area is also managed for wildlife habitat such as waterfowl, blacktail deer, upland game birds, wintering elk, bald eagles, osprey and many other species. Dexter Dam was completed in 1954 and provides flood control and has one generator, which produces 15,000 kilowatts.
The next morning Joe and Joline loaded up "Rita" and headed south to Winchester Bay and got to see the Umpqua Lighthouse at night filling the pine trees in the background with red and white light. We will truly miss them both.
Scrabble Score - Scrabble Queen 327 ~ The Contender 350
Quote of the Day ~
"Bear in mind that the children of life are the children of joy; that the lower animals are only unhappy when made so by man; that man alone of all the creatures, has "found out many inventions", the chief of which appears to be the art of making himself miserable, and of seeing all Nature stained with that dark and hateful colour." W. H. Hudson (1841 - 1922) was an author, naturalist and ornithologist.