Another year has come and gone and it's time again for Maude Kerns Art Center (MKAC) to host "Art for All Seasons."

This is the show when members of the center can present their works.

With a nice background of guitar music...

... and some beautiful...

... and interesting works of art.

MKAC isn't limited to painting alone and has...

... some very good ceramics members...

... who create some great pieces...

... featuring excellent sculptures.

The two works on the left are paintings and the red striped building is a photograph.

The stage was filled with some great works...

... some deserving a closer look.

Looking at this grouping reminded me of a recent trip to the National gallery in Washington, D.C.
and the diverse styles of the Impressionists art on display.

Our local artists are just as diverse ...

... never missing a chance to capture a place ...

... or a face ...

... or the feeling of a moment in time.

Whether under water...

or the kick of a chorus line...

... or a fantastic vision.

The patrons are an example of life and living for enjoyment of fine company...

... and the chance to share the artist vision...

... and each others experiences.

I even had a photograph in the show, the Orange tiger lily I titled "Golden Bell" that was hung with some very fine flower paintings...

... I felt like I was in great company there...

I did see Victoria there with here art...

... and a new Plein Air artist Farley whose woman in orange was used on the publicity card from MKAC.

I enjoyed seeing Sarkis Antikajian's work painting and clay sculptures...

... and Kathy Meyer's Painted Hills was great along with Marsha's Yellow Figures and Lower right Sarkis' Iris Garden.

My friend Renee Manford was there with Randy resting on the stage and she had two great paintings in the show.

This is one of my favorite shows every year and it's a place for creativity to be nourished...

... both in the artists and in those who view their works. Every artists begins as a observer of other peoples art and this is a great place to start.
No Scrabble today
Quote of the Day
"The nice thing about the gallery shows is that without having to pay any money you can just go and see it." ~ Yoko Ono
AT MKAC donations are certainly welcome