Actually this is the end of day one of our great adventure across the country in the Musemobile. We ended the day at Burns RV Park a very nice RV Park in Burns Oregon. The facilities here were very nice and very relaxed. I tend to like RV parks when they do little touches and here the hookup for water, electricity and cable were all at chest height easy piezy to connect - thank you.
After leaving Burns we followed highway 20 a great two lane highway that goes all the way across the country and while not as well known as Route 66 it is a premier highway if you want to see this country.
The vistas are fantastic and part of the Great Basin a very underrated part of the US lightly populated and fantastic for it's beauty.
There was a historic marker further down the road so we stopped just in time to see a deer drinking at the river's far side near the green clump of bushes but I was too slow to get a picture
The Historic marker was for Peter Skeen Ogden, the man Ogden, Utah was named for and an explorer for the Hudson Bay Company.
When the started the Musemobile to drive into Boise I had a difficult time starting old faithful so we didn't stop until we got to the Les Schwab Tire company thinking we needed a new battery, which I'm sure we did need since it was the original battery.
Well I was wrong there was a problem with the ignition system so we ended up calling our insurance company (Geico) who suggested an RV repair place(Dennis Dillon), who walked me through some trouble shooting steps as did Workhorse (our Chassis maker) when all test failed we has to call Boise Valley Towing (very good folks). Just up the street we spotted the Ameri~Tel Hotel and since Dennis Dillon was just closing and would not open till Monday we got a room for two nights. So here we are on the 4th floor cooling our heels looking out the window at Les Schwab...

Costco where we have to walk to tomorrow for a book because the book Sharyn bought for the trip (twice - don't ask) was one she already read a few years ago.
Scrabble Score ~ Scrabble Queen 321 - The Contender 332
Quote of the Day ~
"Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made." ~ Matt Damon