It's Scrabble Queen's Birthday [5 minutes ago] so off we go in the RV and here she is after just closing the laptop. It's a nice time to be out and rainy days are not as grey when we are out on the road.

We are off to Coos Bay and out to see the lights at Shore Acres but stop on the way at the Elk Preserve where we saw these Elk resting in the field. I'm armed with a nice Canon EOS 30D camera, thanks to my sons Isaac and Matthew. I wish I knew how to use it but in time I'll learn so please bear with me on this blog.

Across the stream from the Elk was this Grey Heron.

It's a nice observation spot with lots of informational signs.

And a great railing with lots of angles.

Our neighbors, Charlie and ...

Sharon came for the birthday with a Happy Birthday apple pie and a big smile.

Since I was taking their pictures Sharon took one of me.

So after a nice dinner at the Mill Casino off we went to Shore Acres and the light show. The Whale was spectacular ...

...and this Octopus and friends were right at the entrance to the gardens.

The whale was swimming in a sea of lights.

Ok so it was raining and I was clueless how to use the camera and had no tripod but if you imagine 5 times the number of lights you might have some idea of how this picture should look.

The Pelicans were there for a return visit.

Then there is the Whale again spouting off [this is an animated display]

The lights we very nice on the Pavilion.

A new addition was the Puffin Twins.

I really liked the look of the bridge in the Japanese Water Garden.

The Mushroom were also a new display.

The Cranes are one of my favorite subjects here and looked very nice tonight.

Also new were the frogs and ...

... the Butterflies

It's not very clear but the Hospitality is lit much better in this shot.

This is a shot from inside the Hospitality House looking out. It was nice to get out of the cold and rain.

They even had Santa inside taking a bubble bath.

Last but not least a jiggly shot of the Hospitality House. I may have been shaking from the cold but had a great time. One of these days I'll return and take some better shots, sorry.
No Scrabble
Quote of the Day ~
“Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang Happy Birthday.” ~ Stephen Wright quotes (American Actor and Writer, b.1955)Happy Birthday dear, sweet, kind, loving and beautiful wife