We took a drive to salt Creek Falls - it was the subject of an earlier blog and a
favorite place to take guests who come to visit.

The falls are working overtime in the spring with all the runoff from the Cascade Range just East of here.

Last year I has a picture of a Rhododendron on the cliff above the falls this year its a new one I'll have to look up. They are very red small flowers and beautiful with the falls as a backdrop.

There again was a bright rainbow in the mist of the falls.

Salt creek below the falls verdant and beautiful.

Again the flowers and the falls.

Wild strawberry growing in the split of a stump.

Golden tree trunk just perfect - this is near the base of the falls

Taken from the trail that winds down to the bottom of the falls.

Another shot from the trail showing a fallen pine held suspended by the trunks of two other trees.

Another of my "world famous" railing shots.

The full length of the falls from halfway up the trail.

This is the Rhododendron I shot last year not quite blooming yet.

On the way back I had to stop for this coffee drive-through in Oakridge (Oregon not Tennessee) for The La Damme Soxx Esq.

Dexter Lake Dam looked huge as we passed it on the way home.

Finally I stopped for a picture of the Lowell Covered Bridge no longer used and sitting on Dexter Lake.
No Scrabble
Quote of the Day ~
"Fate loves the fearless." ~James Russell Lowell
James Russell Lowell graduated from Harvard University in 1838, after an undistinguished academic career. During his college course he wrote a number of trivial pieces for a college magazine, and shortly after graduating printed for private circulation the poem his class had asked him to write for their graduation festivities. He was a member of the Porcellian Club.
I looked up the Porcellian Club. This is what I found on Wikipedia:
The club's motto, Dum vivimus vivamus (while we live, let's live) is literally Epicurean. The club emblem is the pig, and some members sport golden pigs on watch-chains or neckties bearing pig's-head emblems.The Porcellian is the iconic club, often bracketed with Yale's Skull and Bones. A history of Harvard calls the Porcellian "the most final [club] of them all,".
Also, an urban legends website mentions a belief that "if members of the Porcellian do not earn their first million before they turn 40, the club will give it to them."