The World Famous Musemobile 
Yahoo!! We are on the road again and back at one of our favorite places. Seven Feathers RV park and Casino. No Casino this time just good old fashioned relaxation. We barely drove 86 miles but we love this place mostly for the landscaping and setting.

The Rhododendrons are just blooming and beautiful. It's hard to describe the color on these and even the picture doesn't capture the rich cream color on these.

So I took a picture closer up....

..and even closer up - they are breathtaking.

The red
Rhodies are such a deep red they also can take your breath away.

Now those were landscaped but this poppy was hiding on the hill across the street from the RV so I went over to get it also.

Above the poppy I saw these
thisles and just had to go get those as well.

Even higher was this beautiful Trillium
Symmetry at it's finest.
Trillium and the Trillium Family (
This genus is a very interesting one. Under great simplicity and conformity of habit, 3 leaves at the summit of a stem, supporting one solitary terminal flower, it contains and conceals many species." Stephen Elliott, A Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia

Then there were the fungi in cream color

...and in bright orange

... and some bracken in white

.. but my favorite was the black mushrooms

These mushroom open from the top like an umbrella blown up by the wind. The ones on the left are fully open (
notice the snail) notice the one on the right black underside and not fully open. The top is shaped like a bowl.

This is the same kind of mushroom fully open and it looks like a grey daisy, pretty special

On the back side of the
Musemobile runs Cow Creek. A pretty little creek that runs the length of this huge RV park. The Cow Creek Indians who run the RV park and Casino were a band of the Umqua Tribe.
History Lesson Time - Chief Miwaleta, who negotiated the Cow Creek Umpqua Treaty for the Indians, had been opposed to joining the Indian Wars. He wanted his people to live in peace with the non-Indians. However, he died shortly after the treaty was negotiated.
Cow Creek Treaty "For and in consideration of the cession and relinquishment contained in article first, the United States agree to pay to the aforesaid band of Indians [Cow Creek Umpquas], the sum of twelve thousand dollars, in manner to wit: one thousand dollars to be expended in the purchase of twenty blankets, eighteen pairs of pants, eighteen pairs of shoes, eighteen hickory shirts, eighteen hats or caps, three coats, three vests, three socks, three neckerhandchiefs, forty cotton flags, one hundred twenty yards prints, one hundred yards domestic, one gross buttons, two lbs. thread, ten paper needles." - Cow Creek Umpqua Treaty, September 13, 1853
His successor led the Cow Creek Umpquas into the Rogue Indian Wars.
Chief Miwaleta, who negotiated the Cow Creek Umpqua Treaty for the Indians, had been opposed to joining the Indian Wars. He wanted his people to live in peace with the non-Indians. However, he died shortly after the treaty was negotiated. His successor led the Cow Creek Umpquas into the Rogue Indian Wars.
In September, 1855, hostilities broke out again as Volunteers moved to exterminate or remove all Cow Creek Umpqua and Rogue Indians. Hard fighting ensued and many Rogues took refuge along the Umpqua River where they and the Cow Creek Umpquas were rounded up and held against their will.
In 1856, these Indians were removed from the area and marched some 150 miles northwest to the Grand Ronde Reservation on the Yamhill River. This became the Umpqua Trail of Tears.

We took a walk and stopped to shoot several places along the creek. This on is taken from a small bridge that crosses from one side of the park to another.

I thought this was a rather creative waterfall idea.

Finally it started to rain so we hustled back to the
Musemobile after one last shot of Cow Creek complete with boulders.
Scrabble Score Scrabble Queen 302 - the Contender 332
wo woQuote for the day ~ I think this is appropriate on our way to California, the Golden State
"But why think about that when all the golden land's ahead of you and all kinds of unforeseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you're alive to see?" ~ - Jack Kerouac, Beat Generation