Spirit Mountain Casino is in Grand Ronde, Oregon on State Highway 18

... and has hosted such notables as Dwight Yoakam, Pointer Sisters and

Willie!!!! Bill Cosby is scheduled for November 11 six days from today.
Their logo is a coyote leaping Spirit Mountain and their frequent gamblers club is called the Coyote Club. We joined because it's free we got key chains and cute red coiled plastic things with a hook on the end we can use in the future.

Well it had been raining all the time we were there and there was no let up on the drive through Lincoln City which is on the coast. While there we stopped at the Tanger outlet for two sweaters, two sink screens, one phone call and two hot dogs. I also went to the "Shutter Bug" to windowshop and heard there was a high wind and flood advisory.
We drove out of Lincoln and realized it was where I had taken a picture Andrew had asked me about with pampas grass on the left and windows on the right and a bridge with the sunset beyond in the center. Well Andrew Lincoln City at the Mo's Seafood restraunt was the place.
Just past Lincoln City at the top of a bluff sits the visitors center for Cape Foulweather. We stopped there once, on a beautifully sunny day, and I wondered how it got that name. Today passing it and catching a gust that almost blew us down the cliff 300 feet I suddenly knew!
We finally arrived in Newport after a harrowing drive down the coast with heavy rains and increasingly torrid wind as well as a few skipped heart beats. We pulled into the "Outdoor Resorts" just as the winds became blistering and parked the RV. After about five minutes in the rain hooking up all the connections (don't ask how may times my glasses blew off in the wind) we settled in for the storm. On cable TV we found out the wind was a steady 35 with gusts up to 55 or so. I took some pictures, first from inside....

... then outside. It's hard to show in pictures the strength of the wind but look at the trees closely there are two or three that give you an idea. The rain was really falling and at the time I took the next picture it was falling sideways.

After the rain died down I took this picture of the view we have toward the ocean.

A little later I took the next three pictures as the sun (which we never saw because the sky had been black) faded in the distance.

It was an interesting day and all-in-all we enjoyed it fully.
Scrabble score - Scrabble Queen 324 ~ The Contender 297
Quote of the day
"A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy." ~ Guy Fawkes (1570-1606)
English conspirator, Guy Fawkes Day, Nov 5th