It was lunchtime and we had seen this diner coming back to the house after visiting Ramsey Canyon so we decided to give it a try. Matt did see a Monte Cristo on their menu.

It was one of those diners that reminded you of the 50's or maybe a little like Mel's Diner in Happy Days...

With a definite southwestern flair.

As it turns out the diner was under new/old management and was called Papa's 50's Diner...

... with polished metallic walls...

... and even an old phone booth.

The 50's was the age of the hot rod and old cars (new then) and that theme is very nostalgic for folks my age who grew up in an "American Graffiti" world of drive ins and drag racing.

The back of the diner was decorated with old gas pump art from Texaco...
... the only gas we bought in Houston until Humble Oil and Shell came along.

Golden west was one I had never seen...

I'd never heard of Firebird Racing Gas either but it made sense considering the 50's theme.

Now I had heard of Mobilegas but at the time it was considered inferior to Texaco...
Why they threw in an Oldsmobile Service sign is beyond me but it did look cool...
... and Sinclair was one we had seen driving to our southwest vacations at Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater and the Petrified Forest only to wind up back at home with rocks, petrified wood, and a Kachina doll or two.
The murals were pretty nice...
... and once the diner is open and the work buckets are gone will please many folks.
We all love to remember especially at my age the golden years...
When we were invincible a little like ...

... John Wayne who is still king in these parts.
Quote of the Day ~
"Quick! Hang a right...Cut over to G Street. I just saw a vision! I saw a goddess. Come on, you've got to catch up to her... This was the most perfect, dazzling creature I've ever seen... She spoke to me. She spoke to me right through the window. I think she said, 'I love you.' That means nothing to you people? You have no romance, no soul? She - someone wants me. Someone roaming the streets wants me! Will you turn the corner?" ~ Curt Henderson (Richard Dreyfuss) in American Graffiti
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