Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Bets Cole Occupies the Governor's Office

We were starting to get some moss on the north roof of the house and since it was the second story decided to go with "Superhandyman" then we took off for Salem ...

... and the Oregon State Capitol...

... with a really shiny Oregon lumberman atop the dome.

The Oregon State Capitol building is beautiful but not overly ornate depicting our Oregon heritage in form ...

... and words.

There are several color murals inside from Lewis and Clarke ...

... to our great industries of Lumber and fishing.

While we came for another purpose we saw marvelous things we had not planned on seeing.

The Capitol dome from the interior was beautiful...

... looming above the many visitors and even more school children.

Sharyn loved the chambers of the House of Representatives with the pine tree carpet.

It is a beautiful room.

The great seal sits just inside the entrance of the building.

The reason we came was to view the work of our friend Bets Cole on display in the Governor's office.

Bets was chosen by the Governor and Arts Council for this honor.

Her work has always caught my attention from the very first picture of Bet's I ever saw.

Bets work is also very diverse from Oceans, mountains and...

trees. Being a Plein Air artist most of her work is created in the open air...

...but it is hung in some beautiful indoor settings.

This is the lobby of the executive suites and very tastefully laid out...

...and it was a rich setting for some beautiful art by Bets Cole.

This is the chambers of the Oregon State Senate...

... and there are the school kids asking questions...

... and here is another group being led in to learn about state government.

Here is a closeup shot of the great seal of Oregon.

There was also a small exhibit of gems I really liked.

Of course there was good security there...

There were also beautiful grounds...

... huge carvings...

... and a very old Elm Tree.

Leaving Salem I stopped for a picture of the ever present Coffee Drive-Thrus - this one called Coffee-In-Motion I got for Doreen.

Scrabble Score Scrabble Queen <> 300

Quote of the Day~
"In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action" ~ Aristotle, Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician, 384 BC-322 BC

Congratulations Bets - An Honor well deserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Handy Man rules!!


©Paul Viel